Order Deadline
Remember that your order needs to be in by 12:00pm EST Monday-Friday.
Showing 265–288 of 478 results
Cryptocoryne Undulata
Chain Sword Narrow Leaf (Hellanthium tenellum)
Red Root Floater (Phyllanthus fluitans)
Java Fern Narrow Leaf Clump (Microsorium pteropus)
Out Of Stock!
Cattail- Graceful (Typha laxmannii) 2″ Pot
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Hibiscus- Scarlet Rosemallow (Hibiscus coccineus) 2″ Pot
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Lobelia- Chinese Creeping (Lobelia chinesis) 2″ Pot
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Lobelia- Black Truffle PP (Lobelia cardinalis “Black Tuffle” PP) 2″ Pot
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Papyrus- Dwarf (Cyperus haspans) 2″ Pot
Pitcher Plant Nepenthes 2″
Out Of Stock!
Miss Siam
Out Of Stock!
Papyrus- Nile Queen (Cyperus papyrus “Nile Queen”) 2″ Pot
Potted Baby Tears Giant (Micranthemum umbrosom)
Potted Bacopa (Bacopa caroliniana)
Potted Hygro- Blue (Hygrophila salicifolia)
Potted Ludwigia- Dark Red (Ludwigia sp Dark Red)
Potted Ludwigia- Super Red Mini (Ludwigia sp. Super Red Mini)
Potted Mint Charlie (Micromeria brownei)
Potted Moneywort (Bacopa monnieri)
Potted Ludwigia- Ovalis (Ludwigia ovalis)
Potted Rotala Red (Rotala indica)
Potted Scarlet Temple (Althernanthera reineckii)
Potted Temple (Hygrophila corymbosa)