Potted Bunch Plants
Order Deadline
Remember that your order needs to be in by 12:00pm EST Monday-Friday.
Showing 1–24 of 478 results
Baby Tears- Giant (Micranthemum umbrosom) 4 oz Portion Cup
Glossostigma (Glossostigma elatinoides) 4 oz Portion Cup
Cryptocoryne Parva
Cardinal Plant (Lobelia cardinalis)
Four Leaf Clover Dwarf Clump (Marsilea crenata)
Hairgrass Dwarf Clump (Eleocharis acicularis)
Hygrophila corymbosa v. Compacta
Broadleaf “Chilensis” (Sagittaria platyphylla)
Chain Sword Broad Leaf (Hellanthium bolinianum-quadricostatus)
Jungle Red (Vallisneria americana sp. Red)
Lead Weights (Plant Anchors)
2″ Black Plastic Net Pot (minimum order 50)
Rockwool Insert (minimum order 50)
Dwarf Hairgrass on Coco Fiber Mat 3″x 3″
Dwarf Baby Tears on Small Lava Rock (1-3″)
Java Fern on Lava Rock
Potted Terrarium & Bog Plants- Assorted 2″ Pot