Order Deadline
Remember that your order needs to be in by 12:00pm EST Monday-Friday.
Showing 409–432 of 464 results
Mermaid (Proserpinaca palustris) (Pond)
Mint Charlie (Micromeria brownei) (Pond)
Jungle (Vallisneria americana) (Pond)
Mint- Aquatic (Mentha aquatica) (Pond)
Moneywort (Bacopa monnieri) (Pond)
Parrot Feather (Myriophyllum aquaticum) (Pond)
Parrot Feather, Dwarf Red Stemmed (Myriophyllum brasiliensis) (Pond)
Rotala Red (Rotala indica) (Pond)
Water Lettuce Jumbo (Pistia sp)
Texas Shell Pink
Christmas Moss (Vesicularia montagnei)
Potted Creeping Rush (Juncus Repens)
Potted Ludwigia Needle Leaf (Ludwigia Arcuata)
Potted Pogostemon Narrowleaf
Potted Anubias Nana Golden
Potted Cryptocoryne Flamingo
Potted Cryptocoryne Wendtii Brown
Potted Altlandsberg Sword (Echinodorus sp.)
Potted Harbich Sword (Echinodorus sp.)
Aponogeton Natans
Taro- Black Magic (Colocasia esculenta “Black Magic”) 2″ Pot
Pickerel- Pink (Pontederia cordata “Singapore Pink”) 2″ Pot
Papyrus- Giant Egyptian (Cyperus papyrus) 2″ Pot
Papyrus- Umbrella Palm Graceful (Cyperus alternifolius gracilis) 2″ Pot